Someone, please get my pause button to work

ok…i give up…way too many tries with absolutely no result…can someone please try to get this to work?! (3 megs!!!)

bump…anyone…or is it really that impossible

honestly… i doubt that your file will be downloaded being too big. :-\

you should make a new fla and remove everything that has nothing to with the sound thing. :wink:

Well, I actually downloaded the file, but when I tried a few things and debuuged it, Flash crashed 3 times and once even my pc rebooted… :angry:

Anyway, I can at least tell you that the code on your pause-button should be:

_root.trackposition = _root.track.position/1000;

you were referencing _root.mySound I believe, which didn’t exist in your movie.

Also set the playing variabele when pressing the ‘play’, ‘pause’ and ‘stop’ buttons.

on your play button you should have something like:

on(release) {
	if(_root.playing == false) {
		playing = true;

Hope it helps.

OH MY GOD!!! i’m so stupid…ya flashmatazz thanx…the code I had for my pause button was _root.track.position*1000 instead of / by…and the rest of the stuff i fixed as soon as i uploaded because i found it…thank you VERY much…i’m was sitting here stumped for like 2 hours