WOW ITS 3 degrees here with a wind chill of -15! and the bad part is i have to go out tonight<:}
We had a high of 22!!! (no windchill factored in). Break out the bikinis! Your fault for choosing someplace cold to live
I don’t think its Alex’s fault, since he’s 14. I am moving to Arizona in three years. Nice weather, pretty ladies… cars don’t rust…
Minus thirty after windchill just the other night. that’s Celcius, for all you nutty americans.
We had a 32 with wind chill ah ha.
Iv;'e been freezing.
Wow, its 7:00 here in Alabama and its just now dropped below 40. I love watching good morning america and seeing how the high in Fargo will be 0. I will never understand why someone would live somewhere that was that cold.
One of my fav stories begins with:
I was leaving Reno. It was the day after Christmas, 2 degrees below zero. Unknown to me, they didn’t have a covered jetway to the plane at that time. Since I was headed to Miami, I was dressed for a warmer climate. This is when I realized that I had to walk what seemed like 4.5 miles across the frozen tarmac to the icy stairway up to the plane, with carry on luggage in tow. As I got to the stairs, my knees blue from the cold, I looked up the stairway in preparation to board, when I saw a huge man half way up the stairs loose his footing.
To make a long story short, he didn’t hurt himself, but he did get stuck, and had to be swedged out by paramedics…
I don’t think I have ever been so cold…
I was born in Chi-Town (Chicago for those of you who aren’t “in-the-know”) so I know what cold can be - ewww. After living in Cali since I was 6 I think I may have forgotten (the only thing that keeps reminding me is the many visits to the “old country”) :sigh:
Lets see… today it was about 60-70 in Santa Barbara… and I just came home from classes to find that one of my room mates was out surfing. Man I love it here.:beam:
I just checked the its hmmm…8 out but it feels like -7 and i jsut got back from swim practice (it was cool though cause the old UCONN Woman’s basket ball team was there (now the Sprifield Spirt) so its all good) but then i had the walk to the car, with wet hair :!:
8? you think 8 IS COLD!!!
here it’s -16!!!
Now that’s bloody cold!
mush you huskies, MUSH!
We are talking Farenheit, not celcius…
Unless it really is -16 degrees F, where you are…
if so… move… quickly so you don’t freeze…
Well its been 45 degrees here!! 45 DEGREE HEAT!!
Its weird, you walk out INFERNO!!
400 houses got burnt down in Canberra our capital city of Australia!!
Anyone seen it on the news perhaps??
I have never experienced below 5 degrees i think!! I feel sorry for you guys!! unles u like it!!
ps. any pro skiers??
here is 30 ºC, I´m melting!!! plz, send me some snow! :hair:
*Originally posted by Dave *
**Well its been 45 degrees here!! 45 DEGREE HEAT!!
Its weird, you walk out INFERNO!!..**
45ºC??? i´m gonna be there in a month
well, with the wind chill this moring it’s -24, now that’s terrible!
I also was watching the weather network and they were showing record lows for Edmonton and it was like -48!!! Holy crap, that’s ■■■■ cold!
But to be honest, you can always put more clothes on. I hate the extreame heat a lot more than the extreame cold. You can only get so far by taking off your clothes - and sleeping in the sticky heat is terrible!!!
Here the minimum temp can be … I guess about 20 degrees (Centigrade) Never been to cold places like urs…
We feel its pretty cold when its 20 … goodness me… 2 degrees below zero… Thats terrible… But hey I have never seen snow in real… i d love to see…lol…