Its hotter than hell here

I’m sitting at my PC and i’m looking at a canddle that is slowly melting in the heat. It is slowly bending over it self. This is just some proof it does get hot in Canada

wut’s da temp? We have about 25 C here i think that’s about 75 Farenh… <— how is that written? :slight_smile:

yup… Hell Didnt Freeze over… Canada just got Thawed…
lol jk. =)

I know Canada can get hot, i used to live in Wyoming, Northern part, and in the summer it could get hot! (and yes thats close to canada, and not some Island in newfoundland or something… lol)

its hot here to. i hate it. but when i was in my class, it was freezing because my teacher turns it down t oatleast 40.

it is 31c out side and in side it is like 45c. NO Ac jsut fans that dont’ do much. It is **** hot

we had 30 C last summer! It’s hottt! The only thing I was think about was a cold drink! But I believe when my pa went to Greece they had about 40 C over there… if I’m not mistaken

i live in Arkansas, and it’s almost summertime, and thats all i have to say. geez it gets hot down here in the summertime.:scream:

Yeah, I was amazed that upstate NY gets that hot and humid…

it was a comfortable 80 F yesterday here, down to around 70 today…

I love the weather here…


It is jsut so dry here though. I would love a hot humid heat. This is jsut a dry choking heat.

haha, it’s at least 90 outside right now. i’m glad i work in my cold little basement office.

We had it like 77F here, and cause i am in band we went down to new brittian to play the national anthem for the minorleage team (New Brittian Rock Cats), so we were in teh sun ALL day. and did i mention how bad my alergies are right now? its so dry out! :trout:


go visit Houston, Texas in August…

you’ll get lots of humidity… so much you can barely breathe…


ever felt like you’re underwater?

I have bad dust alergies so i would love the humidity. When i retire(if that ever happens) i’ll be going to some place with a lto of humidity

Once, in Houston…

I walked forever to get to the outside where I could smoke a cigarette, then could hardly breathe once outside. I seriously was gasping in between smoke inhales… I needed the nicotine, but could hardly breathe the air…

I still feel they should have all smoking flights for those who smoke, and travel over 3 hours in a plane…

and I don’t smoke cigs anymore…


that´s nothing… that´s what i call a cool day in rio´s summer.

seriously! :frowning:

I was waiting for you to chime in Guigo…

I understand it is unbearable down there in the summer…


It would be worth it to not have a cold winter.

my parents got sick of hot weather and installed a central air system. its great on thoes hot days…

my parents are about to alex, i have been bugging them forever about it and they are now like, we cant take it. lol. i am happy but it wont be till next year i think cause the guy never came for an estimate.