Sotw: banners

Hey everyone,
Well, I’m sure many of you must have noticed that the SOTW award banners are pretty dull.

I tried to create a few more, and they can be found here:

Does anyone have any comments or suggestions?

Kirupa :cyclops:

nice, i like the second one :slight_smile:

i like the fifth one.

I’ll try create another 5 more so everyone’s tastes are accounted for.

I got bored and made one. :stuck_out_tongue: Kirupa you can use it if you want. =)

looks like the kazaa K :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks EG! I added yours to the list :slight_smile:

here’s one with a border, add which ever one you think is better kirupa. :stuck_out_tongue:

The one without the border looks better imo. It doesn’t look too “confined” :snug: (does this smiley not look like Bill Clinton?)

[SIZE=1]QuickEdit: Playing with color tags in the sarcasm thing is so much fun.[/SIZE]

haha do you want some color variations to the first one? =)

If you want to, sure :rd:

Here they are. =)

Thanks EG - I added them also!

Nice, I like these choices much better than previous choices.

hehe yeah. The previous ones were just bad - no wonder none of the winning sites decided to display them :slight_smile: