Sotw! (sitex0r o' teh weekx0r)

Hey everyone!
Time for SOTW. Hopefully the nerd-talk will help bring more voters to this week’s poll hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa :ub:

for me it was a close tie between liquid eye and bkre8ive (lol, just got that).

but i had to go with liquid eye.

Liquideye for me.

Nice site, very nice music as well. I overall enjoyed the site, although there could be some more animation done to it.

I got a “Connection Refused” error when trying to access

Great site. Very original style and navigation, and sweet artwork that has been perfectly animated. Great job !

Pop-up ! It could have fit easily in the normal browser window. Nice and clean site, and a well picked colour scheme.

A bit too basic to compete with the other entries I think. Could use a lot more animation and especially: an interface !

Very nice, well designed site ! Nice animations and layout. Lots of preloading though.

I managed to make the site go completely nuts just by clicking on a few sections … not quite the ideal situation.

Great artwork here ! Nice thingies with the bugs and all, well done. The rollover click is quite annoying, it’s too loud.

It took me a while to figure out that you have to rollover the left to make the menu appear. I personally didn’t like the font that much, and the site could use more animation. And maybe a tad bit bigger ?

Pop-up ! I got the impression that you forgot to embed some fonts, for example in the preloader. The images also appeared out of place. Nice layout.

my vote goes to alapimbo

im not voting as i coded part of the liquideye designs

First I wanted to vote for bkre8ive, because of the really nice layout, but I kept clicking on buttons and nothing happened. Then it was liquideye, which is very nice, but that kind of design used to be very trendy not so long ago, and it’s complete deja-vu. Eventually alapimba’s qite is quite nice, but not nearly as nice as the previous 2. D’où le problème…