Reply to this thread to submit a site (Week 3/21-3/27)

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for March 21-27, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by Thursday, March 27 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.[list=a][]Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.
    ]Only one submission per person per week.
    [*]Submissions are capped at [COLOR=red]10 each week[/COLOR], so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.

  3. Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.

  4. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  5. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  6. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday, April 1, 2003.

  7. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.



:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:



Please consider my site for review:


*Edit: The site is up again. Please read the news section (scroll down to find the english version) at the front page for further information.

Wazzzup !!!

Ciao …

[COLOR=red]Second submission disqualified [/COLOR]: sorry buddy, only one submission per person per week!


Rajesh Kumar

mail me :

Edit by pom – There’s no Flash! :stuck_out_tongue:

Version 2.0 is about 2 weeks away so i might as well try this one while it is around.


julie engelman


I would like to enter the SOTW with my latest design:


Thank You,

Csaba Nagy

Here’s my site:

Good luck to everybody.

– edited by pom –

**[COLOR=red]Edited by Rengirl[/COLOR] **: You posted this as I was opening a thread for the new week. It’s too late to compete this week, but I’ve already added you to next week’s submissions.

The results are in:

srkr: 0%
grimdeath: 0%
sir patrocolo: 0%
pi-air: 7.69%
rajesh_kumar78: 0%
sintax321: 7.69%
jengelman2: 0%
szocske: 15.38%
**sten one: 69.23% **
flash it!: 0%

The winner is sten one!

Congratulations sten one. You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Check back later as mod critiques will be posted later today.


This site reminds me of the first Ray of Light site with the similarities in effects. Overall, I thought it’s too unorganized which content scattered everywhere and there are too many popups. It just doesn’t look prefessional and clean at all.

Nice atmosphere and design, but there are a few problems: the music loop doesn’t… loop, so you notice the cut , there is no design consistency, everything looks like it’s been thrown there (no separation between the menu, the content, the audio player…). And if you’re going to reuse effects seen at ray of light, you better make sure they’re at least as good as the original. Which is not the case.

I found that many of the transitions just took so long, I got tired of waiting after checking a few sections. Also your preloaders always registered as 100% to me, even though the bar would be growing, the text always said 100%. Might wanna fix that. I notice that many of your sections open up in pop-up windows, I don’t get the point in making a whole layout for a site that launches its sections in pop-up windows. You do the same thing for “Localization”, but this time you automatically launch a FULL SCREEN window, I highly disliked that, especially since it was a full screen window for just a little 400x400 (approx) movie. This site needs A LOT of work before it could become SOTW material.

seemed way toooooo slow for my taste. the transitions were nice, but everything took forever to get to the place I wanted to go. No skip button?

Pop up city or what? No way to skip the intro that I could see. There’s a lot of light stuff going on, but it seems to be a little slow. Some weird stuff kept happening as well, when I rolled over text. It disappeared and faded out and when I clicked one of the links I had the old text fade back in again for a minute. On the plus side, the navigation is easy to follow, and I like the choice of colour scheme. Just needs some more work and take out the pop ups.

cheap Ray of Light copy.


I’m not too fond of the color scheme this site has, maybe it’s too colorful for its own good. When I look at it, it’s too playful looking. Maybe adding more graphics would help or work with the color scheme.

I found the navigation very confusing. First there’s no real caption on the buttons but that whole sentence on the wall (quite hard to read for me I must say). I don’t want to spend 10 seconds trying to figure where I’m going to go if I click a button…). I would also have appreciated an outro for the square that comes out to show the content. Other than that, the design is pretty clean.

Not exactly diggin’ the mystery meat navigation or the color scheme. The slide in captions on the wall also seem to be a bit off track and don’t portray a realistic slide as if it were sliding across the wall. Good attempt, but still needs work. That rollOver sound effect hurt my ears as well. I also found that some of your fonts were blurry, while the other ones were ultra crisp, I don’t know what was up with that.

I didn’t like the font used, it was hard to read. I also didn’t like the angled text. If it were a sub menu, then I see a need for it. As it is, it is only there on rollover.

I very much liked the look of this one. It’s simple and clean, and you can’t really go wrong with the bottom nav images. They’re well drawn too and the text movement is slick. The layout idea is preserved throughout, and all the information needed is there. It’s consistant and professional looking.

I feel as though this site uses 3D graphics for the sake of having 3D graphics. Other than that, everything else is still on the beginner’s Flash level. Not for this award.

sir patrocolo

Well this site is hosted by a free host and it reached it’s bandwith limit. This is the message I got when I visited: “The daily bandwidth limit for this member has been exceeded. Try again after midnight, EST. Click here for more information.”

Now that’s a nice site! Clean design, cute and funny animations, nice transitions, I love the making of, but there are some things that make me not vote for it for site of the week: the mystery meat navigation (I dislike), and the amount of details changes depending on the section. In Animacion, for instance, that green grid looks really weird compared to the rest, and the board that appears, with a different font, a different color than everything else… Also, some things don’t seem to work in your gallery. I clicked on drawings and all I got was a blank page. #3

I really enjoyed the animation and the little characer. The vector and other art and animation is amazing. But despite art and transitions, I feel your site lacked consistancy between sections. You had different fonts and such for each section, and some sections were more detailed than others. Also mystery meat navigation is not something I enjoy. Excellent animations and art, but theres a few things on the functionality side that strike me wrong.

no skip button on intro. Mystery meat navigation. Useability gets a 2 out of 10. Plus, it is in a popup for no visible reason.

I got a gateway timeout here, and the page didn’t load.

Not loading.


I like this site, pretty clean, smooth, nice style. The only thing that puzzled me was the high/low quality feature, how does that help if the site is fully loaded? Shouldn’t that feature be given on the splash page? It just made the site look ugly when you toggle it to low quality, I didn’t see any difference in performance.

Impressive! Clean, fast, colorful, very nice site. Please repost it if you don’t win, you’ll get my vote. #2 …It doesn’t matter whether the site is fully loaded or not, EG. That quality thing doesn’t change the size, it just changes the aspect (it makes anything ugly, as you said) to make things faster to display. My 2 eurocents.

Wow man, nice smooth quick animation, really nice layout as well. Everything is nice, clear and easy to follow here. I even like that you have your sound off by default…actually… I LOVE THAT!!! This got second place for my decisions… VERY TOUGH decision though.

the jpegs are a bit too compressed. I see a lot of artifacts, when in a situation like this, the images should appear flawless.

I liked this last week, and I still do. I think it’s beautifully animated, quick and simple. The nav is perhaps a little scattered, but nothing confusing.

I like this a lot. For one thing, I’m surprised that even though the menu moves to a new location with each click, the site is still pretty usable. Nice color combination and refreshing design. To answer the question above - I believe the low quality version is handy if the animation is bogging down a slower computer. I have found this option very useful in the past.


The experimental section of this site was empty so it’s incomplete, but I’ll critique on what’s there so far. I like the layout, the design is very appealing, but the splash page needs work. I don’t like it when sites post their awards on splash pages.

Where’s the Flash?

Your site seems mainly HTML based with only small Flash tid bits in the portfolio section. And your experimental section was empty. I don’t really see this as qualifying for SOTW.

very nicely put together. It’s just a bit shallow is all.

Nice looking layout which was consistant, but there were gaps in the content so minus points for that. My one major bug here is that it could easily have been done in plain HTML. There’s no real point in this being in a Flash SotW.

This person didn’t really take advantage of Flash’s features. This site would be better served as an HTML site in this case. Why is it taking such a long time for things to load?


It’s been a long time since I lasted viewed Sintax’s site. Seeing that he submitted for SOTW, I was expecting something new, but I was disappointed to see that it’s the old layout which was okay, but not SOTW material. The downside is with the text, I see blurry static text and clean dynamic text, that doesn’t appeal to me.

Nice clean site, but the orange is killing my eyes I’m waiting for the next version.

Splash page could use a little work and the preloader is a bit obscure. Other than that, I really like this site. I think you should be able to change the color scheme though (perhaps with help of variables and setRBG) because the orange may be too bright for others to handle, but I personally like orange, so I don’t mind it at all.

couldn’t find the nav to start with. News box was 3 months old. I hated the orange color. Plus I didn’t like the font, it was hard to read.

I actually quite like the orange and grey colours, it stands out. The signature font is a bit unreadable though, takes me a minute to work out what stuff is. Menu is easy to use, and the areas load up quickly. The text on the links section was a bit blurred though, and it doesn’t seem to have been updated since January.

Terrible font usage - that digital font looks childish and doesn’t work harmoniously with Verdana. The text looks blurry to me. Scrolling text is not attractive on HTML sites. They are still unattractive on Flash sites. I hate seeing “coming soon” on any part of the site.


Nice use of flash vector art, but the site got boring quick especially with the lack of sound. Also I thought that it took too many clicks to access sample’s of this designer’s work. I had to click on portfolio, then a sub catagory, then a sample number. Maybe I’m just being lazy tonight…

Same as EG. The menu is not practical at all, and the site needs transitions

Very nice use of line art, very detailed. But is it just me or does that bridge just stop abruptly? I found that somtimes when I FINALLY got to the number menu of where I can choose, I would click on a number and all the numbers would just disappear withouth showing the content, so I would have to reclick the section again to get them back. Some better transitions and sound would be nice as well.

beautiful site. I suggest having some sort of info displayed after clicking the menu. Most use the first selection available, so that the site is not empty.

Opened in a pop up, which I don’t like, but the artwork and all was very well done. The transitions coul be a little jerky at times though, they could do with being a bit smoother. And although the menu system was fairly simple to start with, using it was a lengthy process. Think tehre were about 5 sub levels or something for the portfolio.

I hate popups interfaces - it tells me people are either too lazy or lack creativity to make their flash files blend seamlessly with the browser. In any case, the artwork is nice and detailed but the colors seem a little off. Pick a couple subtle colors and one high contrast loud color… because picking three bold colors is a hindrance to the visual hierarchy. The text is all blurry and hard to read. It’s an interesting navigation system but I think it neesd to be refined.


Many nice photos, too many popups, that killed it for me. Also it would be nice to add a feature to skip the intro which I didn’t see, maybe I was distracted by all the popups.

Nice site. The background pictures are awesome, I usually don’t like big sites like this one, but the design is very well thought, so it’s OK. I don’t like the kind of relax-free-your-mind-Neo music, but it can turned off. The thermo reconstruction in the Style section made me laugh and I wished there was one more subsection in Services to go a bit lower #4

I don’t really enjoy pop-ups in the first place, but when your site popped up ANOTHER one just for news and awards, I didn’t really enjoy this. Other than my pickiness, I think you have a nice use of color and photography going on.

I am always dubious of a site which has a popup to brag about the awards it has won. No skip intro button. Beautiful site. Subtle animations. I didn’t like the popups. I think they could have been done inside Flash without popups.

Aieee! Pop ups again! An advert and the full screen launch. Beautiful images and layout, but there were so many pop ups… Why not launch the image gallery inside the layout, that’s what it’s there for.

Off the bat - amazing use of color. And then I get hit with a full-screen popup. No. The pictures look great but they don’t compensate enough for the lack of imagination and originality in the menu and intersectional tweens and ofcourse that awful full-screen popup.

sten one

I voted for this site becasue the designer took the time and paid attention to detail. Right off the bat, I saw options for regular window and popups, which is a nice touch. The overall style of the site is pretty trendy with some pretty smooth effects. The use of typography is good as well and the intro is awesome. The only problem I noticed is the text on the side tabs, the text is too small so it’s hard to read.

Hihi, I asked him to submit so I’m a bit biased, but I really think it’s an amazing site. I love the candy-flavored color scheme, the intro is very good, and tha mount of details is incredible (my favorite is in Model Book > Design Graphic with the ribbons and the shadows going around the girl) and Arg!!! I played with the dressing room for half an hour The only thing that I don’t like is that all the drawings and covers are opened in a very ugly grey pop-up. #1

OMG!!! Finally someone that does what I love… that is to create an enter button that asks for a normal window or a pop up window, but not only that, goes further to say with or without intro!!! Gotta love that. The vector work is absolutely friggin amazing. The loading intro sequence loader coulda been more animated, I found myself thinking my browser froze, but the intro was great. I absolutely HATE pink with a passion, but considering the site theme I think it really works well. The text on the side tabs were very small though, but other than that, I think this site was VERY nicely done.

I think you should give an idea of how big the intro is, so you have a better idea of how long it will take to download. Font on the nav is very hard to read. My vote is for sten one. I think the site demonstrates the personality very well. Useability wise it was the best of the lot. I urge everyone to stop using popups whenever possible. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Most windows can be created in Flash, and will look and act any way you want them to.

Wow, so many choices! Full marks for letting people choose what kind of window they want, and the intro. Beautiful vector work on the front page too, I loe the blue/white/pink scheme. Although I skipped the intro, the next page did take a while to work through. The dressing room was a great feature though, wonderfully illustrated, and well executed.

The splash page is so busy that it’s easy to miss the enter buttons. Amazing artwork and layout. Can’t read the text on those tabs AT ALL.

flash it!

This site is a nice try, but it’s not SOTW material, still has a long way to go. It’s just too boring for me and I see jagged edges around some of the layout graphics.

I couldn’t read the text becuse of the background And I think the frame rate needs to be increased a bit. Other than that, the design is cool.

The text was so hard to read on those background images. And the animation was very slow for me. I think you were trying to squeeze a lot of stuff in too little space. I don’t really see this site as being SOTW material.

The only thing this site needs is some depth. I know it is very hip to use small aliased fonts, but they are extremely difficult to read.

Funky look and feel to it, although the fonts were difficult to read at times. I liked the backgroun photography, but the sections of the page looked a little disjointed to me - the menu area stuck out more than the others, it seemed a bit strange. It was simple to use though, and quick to load.

This site has potential but there seems to be a lot of work and learning to be done. You can’t put a busy background behind text - I can’t read a thing. In addition - the text is too small. I am getting a headache from looking at it, so I’ll stop here.