Hey everyone, what do you think of this coming soon picture I did for my new site? :beam:
- Soul :s:
Hey everyone, what do you think of this coming soon picture I did for my new site? :beam:
oooh purdy. that’s really nice. I like the outline effect to the flame…
btw m8, what are you doing about living when you come and work for churchill? sleeping on teh streetz?
why the change of domain btw? got bored?
Souleagle.com ran out, plus I was bored with it. And then I got a passion for the colour white :love: Plus I think this whole white flamey theme is better :beam: Perhaps its just quirky soul being quirky :P:P
lol… omg… so obsessed.
staying over at kit’s?
suppose I ought to get talking to you… you on msn?
PM me, I’m not posting it here
I think it’s sexy. :beam: Very cool logo.
omg… Soul just threatened me in PM
Meeee? angel
Ha ha!
Soul 1, asphalt 0.
do you even know what he said?
Not a **** clue.
Make that 2 - 0.
The :love: was for 28!!
Ok ok, you can have a bit of the lovin
2-0? how does that work?
this summer is gonna be… long, I can tell
Yay for me.
Yay for trelis
Yay for guacamole?
thats for soul
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