The ordered part of the talk forum branch kicks @ $ $!

Orderd part of talk forum kicks @ $ $!!!

Go there… check it out… flame someone (not me!)

naw. Seriously, I’m not up for rhetorical arguments…

yes it rocks!!!

the best feature in a long time! =)

way to go kirupa :A+: :A+:

I think there should be a new section!

Stroking - Where everyones goes to stroke each other! A stroke a day makes everyone feel loved and warm inside, you know you all love it :beam:

Do it Kirupa! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

Oh and PS

I think someone should start a vegetarian debate in there! Last time I brought it up everyone picked on me, so I’m not :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I love my manwich!

I agree, Ordered is a really good idea that the mods came up with (Thor aka malucadi, etc.). It really was a solution to the randomness of Random and the wish of many to have important issues discussed without having the topics veered off course =)

Soul, many of our members have a tendency to bite when another non-family being approaches them! Therefore, I think the idea for your forum may be a bad idea =)

Kirupa :cool:

Grrr! You are wrong! Everyone loves a stroke :stuck_out_tongue:

sigh I’m eccentric

  • Soul :s:

I like the new look, Soul. Very nice.

Anyways, I agree, Ordered is great.

dude, what is your obsession with stroking??

Cheers Aislin :slight_smile:

Dunno Lava, I’m just weird, ya know… weird english guy

  • Soul :s:

shhh! he’s British…

you know…



lol :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Oh and PS

I think someone should start a vegetarian debate in there! Last time I brought it up everyone picked on me, so I’m not :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s: **

I must have missed that one. I was about to start a debate about fish. Fish: meat or not?

I deleted it seconds later though.

Why?? Thats a good one Ren :slight_smile:

I never started a vegetarian one in Ordered, it was a while ago, in random :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

Why… its real obvious that people who eat tofu are :block:
I am with the TLF… we beileive… that tofu has feelings too

TLF: Tofu liberation Front!

i like the ordered section to, every now and then i enjoy a debate:)

I’m enjoying it. I just put together a rather large intro to the TCPA topic, that I’m pretty proud of. :slight_smile:

I’m proud of you too pats on head

  • Soul :s:

jitters with happiness
strokes soul

strokes soul again

You’re right. this should be a forum.