Sound Control Over Multiple Scenes, Please Help!

I currently have a movie, about 12 scenes long. I have a sound control that loops the track I have the user select repeatedly. But because I wanted music to always play unless they manually turned down the volume in my controls I load the music each time the main scene is loaded… This ends all of the other sounds and just restarts the first track in my list.\r\rHere’s the code:\r\rFor the main frame, inside a movie clip placed on scene 1:\r\rstop ();\rstopAllSounds ();\rsetProperty (“playing1”, _visible, “1”);\rsetProperty (“playing2”, _visible, “0”);\rsetProperty (“selected”, _visible, “0”);\rsong = new Sound();\rsong.attachSound(“sound1”);\rsong.start(0, 999);\r\r\rButton 1:\ron (release) {\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp stopAllSounds ();\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“playing1”, _visible, “1”);\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“playing2”, _visible, “0”);\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“selected”, _visible, “0”);\r song = new Sound();\r song.attachSound(“sound1”);\r song.start(0, 999);\r}\r\rButton 2:\ron (release) {\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp stopAllSounds ();\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“playing1”, _visible, “0”);\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“playing2”, _visible, “1”);\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“selected”, _visible, “0”);\r song = new Sound();\r song.attachSound(“sound2”);\r song.start(0, 999);\r}\r\rButton 3:\ron (release) {\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp stopAllSounds ();\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“playing1”, _visible, “0”);\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“playing2”, _visible, “0”);\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp setProperty (“selected”, _visible, “1”);\r song = new Sound();\r song.attachSound(“sound3”);\r song.start(0, 999);\r}\r\r\rAll I want this to do is keep playing the track the user selected, and not have to reset everytime the main scene is loaded…\r\rThanks in advance\r\rRyan

what is the movie for? is it an animation? or a website? if its an animation, I’m not sure, if its a website, DON"T USE SCENES!!!