Sound Copyrights

Hi everybody :slight_smile:

I have a question about using sound tracks in a Flash movie. Can you use an existing audio track when clearly notifying the artist name and track title ?

I mean, I’ve saw this a couple of times, and I don’t think it should be a problem to use them, 'cause they can’t download it or something, unless they’d use a swf decompiler, but then the problem would be at the person using the decompiler, right ?

Do you have to buy a license to use them ? Or do you just need permission ?

You could but if you get caugt you can be in some big doo dodo…

if its for a personal ting then its not that hairy, but if its your website for business or the like I would advise against it.

Perhaps you could try to get the permission from the record lable

I’d be careful about that. Radio stations have to pay a certain amount of money for all the music they play, and this goes for internet radios as well. Using someones music without their written consent is clearly something of a risk as you are in fact distributing the material (even if people can only listen to through your site).

I’m actually doing a site for an artist signed on a large record company, and we’re having all sorts of problems getting his label to agree to playing the music on the site.


from a thread posted a few days back.

In other words, if you publish any part of a copyrighted song, you are obligated to get a release from the owner of that copyright.


Those are exactly the reasons why I’m asking this. But fester, what do you mean ?

if its for a personal [COLOR=BLUE]( site ? )[/COLOR]ting then its not that hairy, but if its your website for business or the like I would advise against it.

what i think he means is… to the record company… you’re small fry. the chances of them happening upon your site and feeling so outraged that you’ve used their track is very small. if you’re in breach of copyright, people will generally tell you and give you a certain amount of time to remove it before calling in the lawyers.

if you’re making money from the site… then they’re likely to be a bit more pissed at you

you are allowed i believe 15 seconds of use under the fair use act, but no more than that…better check it as I claim no authority in this legal matter

actually, in theory, you’re not allowed to use any at all…
but in practice… it’s normally ok… unless they ask you to take it down

however, it’s not advised if it’s a commercial site that you’ll be making money from!

No, I won’t use it for anything to make money from. Just for a personal site thingy, intro song and so …

Like Asphalt:cowboy: said, I don’t think they’ll make such a big deal about it, but on the other hand, when you read LilleMartin’s post … It’s all so confusing. I think I’ll play on safe and ask permission.

I have downlaod Accelerator and some sites I vist, I can downlaod the sound track(s) by .DA. and use it ! But I never used the sound tracks.

I guess I can clarify a bit.
If you intend to use the soundtracks for a personal site that is less of a problem than a commercial site in the same way that you are less likely to get busted for pirating Photoshop if you don’t use it professionally.

The thing is; There is still a risk that the record label finds out, and if they decide to make a fuss about it you’re in deep doodoo, and it won’t help you to say that the site was personal.

So to sum it up: Using soundtracks that don’t belong to you, or that are public domain is a risk you’ll have to evaluate. If your site is a personal site you are less likely to get in trouble, but if the **** hits the fan you could concievably be in just as much trouble as if your site was commercial.

Bottom line: I wouldn’t put up a track unless I knew it was ok.

(P.S. In case it wasn’t obvious: I’m just giving advice here. I’m not passing jugdement on anyone who chooses to put up soundtracks on their sites, or pirate Photoshop. I’m Switzerland. :stuck_out_tongue: )


not sure Lille - I dont think you’d be landed in sh*t straight away - with any sort of copyright issues/debate, the company will always just politely ask you to take it down, before they bring out the big guns.

Oh definitely, but you always have those that are of the persuasion: “Let’s nail one sucker properly so that nobody tries to f**k with our music again.”

In most cases you probably won’t even be noticed unless you keep the track there for ages, but worst case scenarios should always be considered.


eh, this is too legal of a topic - just find a lawyer site or something; research the law on it