Sound Fades

I have a script using setInterval to audio clips in and out. fadeIn works right but fadeOut isn’t. Am I missing something? A typo?

bells = new Sound ();
bells.attachSound ("bells");

cricket = new Sound ();
cricket.attachSound ("cricket");

birds = new Sound ();
birds.attachSound ("birds");

var sound_iv:Number;
var sound_ov:Number;

function fadeIn (soundClip):Void {
    soundClip.start ();
    soundClip.setVolume (0);
    sound_iv = setInterval (function () {
        if (_vol == undefined) {
            _vol = 0;
        soundClip.setVolume (_vol);
        if (_vol == 100) {
            trace ("FadeIn done");
            clearInterval (sound_iv);
    }, 10);

function fadeOut (soundClip):Void {
    soundClip.setVolume (100);
    sound_ov = setInterval (function () {
        if (_vol == undefined) {
            _vol = 100;
        soundClip.setVolume (_vol);
        if (_vol == 0) {
            trace ("FadeOut done");
            clearInterval (sound_ov);
    }, 10);
