Sound guru please help MX

please help me with sounds. I have main movie that loads dynamically external.swf my external swf has a sound that I want to play when this external loads in to the main.swf and I have another sound that I would like to make it play right after the first stops. So I have two sound files: sound1 and sound2. Sound one is a little bigger in size and it plays only one time no looping, and sound2 is a loop sound that plays over and over. When I attach sound1 two my external.swf (which suppose to play first) then my sound2 loads faster then the sound1 and it screws the whole movie. So my question is how I make first sound1 to play only once and the second one to follow after the first one and play continuously, and how I make sound1 and sound2 to load at the same time but play sound1 only one time and sound2 loop over? Sound2 which is a loop sound should play even when other swf’s are loaded. Sound2 is a main sound that should play even when other external movies are loaded.

thank you very much


You need to do a preloader loop for both sounds. When sound1 reaches 100% loaded tell it to play. Also start a loop that tells you when the song is over. When sound2 reaches 100% tell it to stop. When sound1 is over tell sound2 to start and then start a loop for sound2. Everytime sound2 ends tell it to start over.

You can do sound several ways so you might have to explain more if you need more help. You can load mp3s or external swfs.

i don’t know how you set it up exactly, but at least this should give some ideas. =)

var mySound1 = new Sound(this), mySound2 = new Sound(this);
mySound1.onSoundComplete = function() {
mySound2.onSoundComplete = mySound2.start;
delete this.onSoundComplete;