How do I play a [COLOR=blue]sound1[/COLOR] onces, and then after the [COLOR=blue]sound1[/COLOR] ends, it played another [COLOR=red]sound2[/COLOR] which will repeat it self forever or 999 times. The problem is that i don’t want the two sounds play at once. Also im gonna use only 1 frame in the timeline for this.
sound1.onSoundComplete = function() {
sound2.start(0, 999);
or something like that
=P Doesn’t work i tried other ways but doesn’t work +P
How do I play a [COLOR=blue]sound1[/COLOR] onces, and then after the [COLOR=blue]sound1[/COLOR] ends, it played another [COLOR=chocolate]sound2[/COLOR] which will repeat it self forever or 999 times. The problem is that i don’t want the 2 sounds play at once. Also im gonna use only 1 frame in the timeline for this.
code? fla? :sleep:
Um… Any reason for crossposting??? Crossposting is BAD!!!
Um… Any reason for crossposting??? Crossposting is BAD!!!
and by the way Cripple Guy
… i just tested the method i told you and it worked perfectly !!
Cripple Guy, Please don’t cross post, there is no need to make more than one thread. It causes confusion and harder for us to help you.
I merged the other one with this one so please remember next time. =)
This tutorial shows you everything you need to know about manipulating sound:
take a look