Hello, people - i hope you can help me out!
I have a 7 scene flash movie running over a period of 60 seconds or so, into which i would like to play one MP3 file in the background, from the very beginning.
At the end of the movie, there is a static page where i would like the MP3 to loop if the browser is left open by the user.
however, there is also an option to reload the movie and watch it over again. the soundfile should start again with the movie.
i am trying to AVOID copying and pasting the frames and layers from my 7 scenes into one scene and running the sound file on it’s own layer, as having separate scenes allows me to manage the components and timing easily.
i appreciate that this therefore means using actionscript. if so, the relevant code would be brilliant.
I would also like to have a little ‘mute’ button to mute the volume on any given scene, without interrupting the flow of the soundtrack.
please treat me like a complete wally if/when you answer this post, and explain things thoroughly if you would. as you can see by my mis-spelled user name, i am a bit FICK!
many thanks!!!