Sound problem

Hi, i am going through an issue that i cannot solve.
I have applied sound to my website in flash. I have different pages designed in different scenes. And sound control is present on each and every scene. I browsed through the net and found a tutorial which showed how to play background sound and keep it continuos throughout the navigation via different scenes. Inicially i had a problem where the sound restarted when i went to a new scene but now that problem is solved . My current problem is, when my site loads the music starts to play which is fine. Then when i press on the sound button to stop it . The action is to Start Sound and when i press it again It stops. But When i stop it and go to any other button and navigate to some other scene , the sound restarts.

My guess - The sound sequence needs to be Stop on the first click and Play on the second.
But i also want the sound to autostart when site loads. And i because i have different scenes i have applies a complicated action scrip from a tutorial.which goes as follows:-

[COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=Green]On the first frame of sound layer i have this action script —>

[/COLOR]_root.sound1 = new Sound(this);

[COLOR=Green]On the last frame of the same layer of sound i have the following script —>[/COLOR]

on(press) {
if (playing != 1) {
playing = 1
} else {
playing = 0;

I am not a hardcore actionscript professional so i dont understand most of this. Though i would appreciate if someone could help me.