I have a question about “Sound class” in AS2. I read almost everything. I have tons of Flash books, and also reading material on internet and still couldn’t understand how to solve the following problem.
Assume you have 3 swf files, “index.swf , foo1.swf , foo2.swf”
index.swf only creates an empty movieclip named “myMovie_mc”, and then loads “foo1.swf”
into “myMovie_mc”, for instance, <myMCL.loadClip(“foo1.swf”, myMovie_mc); >
foo1.swf contains 10 different mp3 files in its library; I attached to its first frame the following actionscript code to playback one of the mp3 files, for instance,
var mySound:Sound = new Sound(_root.myMovie);
and then foo1.swf loads foo2.swf
Now, I can’t figure out how I suppose to use Sound class when foo2.swf needs to play any other mp3 files contained in foo1.swf ?
[INDENT]If you could give me a suggestion, or something to read, I would [/INDENT]
[INDENT]appreciate it.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Thank you.[/INDENT]