Sounnd problem

I’ve got a problem with the sound on a flash site i’m making. There is a continuous music loop in the background that is located in a layer in the movie. This works great but every time a movie loads - so every time a different page is visited, the sound restarts.

This gets very annoying, so is ther a way to load the sound loop externally or somthing so it plays continuously whatever the other swfs are doing, furthermore what is the actionscript to control this fro0m a remote in the main swfs.

Put the sound in the _root…

being stupid, as i am, what do you mean / how do i do this?

Do you know what _root is?

i thought it was the main timeline, but i’m very confused now, so i suppose the answer is no :frowning:

You are correct, it is the main timeline. Can you post your FLA and I can get a better idea of what’s going on here?