Sparks Event Calendar question

Hi. Just so it’s clear, let me say that I’m a complete novice at Flash, and worse at scripting. I was hoping someone with more experience and know-how might be able to help me customize the Sparks Event Calendar. I’ve got the calendar re-skinned and working fine, using the xml-driven version. For a guy like me, that’s quite an accomplishment in itself. heheh However, I’d like to display the grid in the more typical Sunday-thru-Saturday format, rather than the Monday-thru-Sunday default.

My first guess is that it would have something to do with this bit of code here:

	for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {
		var dayBox = this.days_mc.attachMovie(this.dayBoxClip,"day" + i + "_mc",i);
		dayBox._x = i * dayBox.$getSize().width;
		// pass set day the day of the week (taking firstDayOfWeek into account)

I’m sure it’s something really simple, but I can’t seem to make it do what I want, being the slacker I am. I feel silly after messing with it for a couple hours, and having no luck. LOL If someone could help me out with where and/or how to change what in the code, that would be totally awesome. TIA
