Special characters in dinamically loaded txt file

And to think, you claim to have 0 Flash Ability… i guess that would put someone like me in the negative numbers…

I learned the width > 0 trick from Keith Peters (bit-101), now a guy like that puts me in the negatives :stuck_out_tongue:


Eyez: I remembered seeing that on there before but couldn’t find it this time. So let me ask you this… is it just me or is moocks site incredibly difficult to navigate?

Thanks a lot Lostinbeta, ur post was exactly wat i needded

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------System.useCodepage = true;

allows you to use accented characters.


‘is moocks site incredibly difficult to navigate’
that’s why i got the usefull links bookmarked & saved the pages to my comp :))

Your a smart one Mr Eyez. I need to do that… but first I need to trudge my way through his site to find them all again :hangover:

I am glad I am not the only one that finds it difficult though, he may be one heck of a coder, but he is no designer, especially in the functionality department. No SOTW for Moock :stuck_out_tongue: (well his site isn’t Flash anyway… but still…haha)