Im having trouble trying to display special characters such as : “á, ç, ó, é, õ” in a external txt file loaded dynamically inside a text box. Ive eneabled html but it still wont work. Wat am i doing wrong?
I have a problem loading dynamical text too.
For some reason, only some of the text that i,ve loaoded appears in the text box.
If it makes a difference, i have a scrollbar in the textbox to view the text.
Yea i get dat problem when i try to display special characters. They just dont appear in the text box.
worm: make sure that you are not using the ‘&’ ampersand symbol. It tells the Flash file to stop reading. If you must use it, use the following:
claudio: do a search on the forums for ‘dynamically loading special characters’ There should be a zillion posts…
I did search the forum, but couldnt find exactly wut i wanted… thx guys, ill try dat Majeye
thanks majeye, ur the best. turns out it was the ampersand symbol.
Still not working…
Im trying to display “São Paulo” in the text box… any one can help me?
hey worm, can u help me, i couldnt get my file working
i learnt to load dynamic text from a tutorial on this site. jus run a quick search on it. It helped me tonnes
one more prob, the & command is not working. is that the specific tag. please be specific cuz im pulling my hairs
thats not supposed to help me is it?
“please be specific cuz im pulling my hairs”
same to you, what’s your code, what’s in your text etc…?
*Originally posted by worm *
**thats not supposed to help me is it? **
Yes it is supposed to help you.[AS]System.useCodepage = true;[/AS] allows you to use accented characters.
okay, heres the next thing, i also want to dynamically load jpegs into my movies but that wont work either.
onClipEvent (load) {
loadMovie(“architecturaldrawing.jpg”, “container”);
what else do i need?
It must be a non-progressive .jpg image.
Usually the option for progressive or not comes up while saving as a .jpg format.
still doesnt work. i saved it as baseline (using adobe photoshop)
oh, got it to work. heres the code i used
container._x = container._y = 50 ;
_root.onMouseDown = function () {
startDrag (“container”,false) ;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
stopDrag () ;
one last thing b4 i pester u guys to death, is there a way to resize the image.
thanx 4 the help
container._x = container._y = 50 ;
_root.onMouseDown = function () {
startDrag (“container”,false) ;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
stopDrag () ;
_root.container.onEnterFrame = function(){
if (this._width > 0){
this._width = 100;
this._height = 200;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
You can only manipulate a loaded item once it is fully loaded. In the case of dynamically loading a .jpg you can easily check if it is fully loaded by checking the width of the clip that holds it. If the width of the clip is greater than 0 then something must be loaded in it right? Well thats when we can do something.
We then set the _width and _height properties (this sizes by exact pixels, you can use _xscale and _yscale to resize by percentage) and then we delete the onEnterFrame because we don’t need to run it anymore for this.