Special Flash Photo Gallery, Crazy?

Hi guys!
Scotty and Sipher and so many many many amazing peeps!
First of all … I HAVE FOUND HEAVEN !!!
(it’s all in this forum! I’ve never felt better on the web!!!)
you guys are all soooooooooooooooo awesome!!!
i’m new here… :wink: fist post. :smiley:
ok ok ok

On to my question…

I have been on the boards since 2am (it’s now 5am)
and I have been reading up LOTS on the photo gallery.
In fact, thanks to you guys I created a gallery with the
tutorials… and that version works like a charm!!! :smiley:

So… problem:

Say you have a folder named : Summer

This folder is going to have 5 pictures added to it everyday for the next
month. Every picture comes from a different person and they just upload
it to a specific FTP folder and so all the pictures are named different!
No name sequence!

Can you make a flash file load all the pictures in a specific folder dynamically
somehow and be able to refresh itself with the new pictures daily??
Can it just ‘draw up’ the images from the folder by its own little self???

Then… every picture is different in size.

Can the gallery resize each picture on the movie so that they all appear
to have the same size (in proportion) even if they really are not?
(Let’s assume that bandwidth/load time is no issue…)

It of course needs a next/back button but even I know how to do that.
I think… :wink:

How crazy is this idea???

You know, this is kind of like in Windows… when you have a folder
full of pictures and you click on slide show??? It doesn’t matter
what the pictures are, how many or anything … it just loads them
in the slide show… kinda like that!

I’ve read up I think every thread on the gallery subject… didn’t wanna ask
a question twice as I know how precious your advice time is… but I can only
see galleries that load through XML or directly in ActionScript – but they all
require 2 things I cannot control: 1. the exact name of the pictures and
2.a certain size…

Oy. I wonder if I’m asking for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Imagination. :smiley:
This is such a dream project for me.

Much care to everyone,

Welcome to kirupaforum=)

Have a look at this thread,
it reads (PHP) the images folder and loads the images (with their names) and has resizement (page#3). The resizement maybe needs some improvement, but I think you’ve got a good start there;)


Thank YOU!!!

Thank You Scotty!!! I was so into the 28page thread that I never saw that one!!! You are a god-send.

no problem;)