Speed of Blitting


Here’s the code I’m using to blit character frame animations onto a bitmap…
I can get around 200 objects blitted to the bitmap before it starts to lag…

So… I’m just asking… Do you guys see anything I could tweak to get more performance out of it?

private function gameloop(e:Event):void{
            for(var i:int=0;i<userobjects.length;i++){
                var usb:Object = userobjects*;
                var charState:String = "norm";
                    usb.framenum = 1;
                var image:BitmapData = bitmaps[usb.framestate+"_"+charState+"_"+usb.framenum];
                var xx:int = usb.x;
                var yy:int = usb.y;
                var iwid:int = bitinfo[usb.framestate+"_"+charState][2]
                var ihei:int = bitinfo[usb.framestate+"_"+charState][3]
                gameboard.copyPixels(image,new Rectangle(0,0,iwid,ihei) ,new Point(xx,yy));

“gameboard” is the BitmapData that everything is blitted onto…
I’m storing all the bitmaps in an array (bitmaps)… with a string as the key…

The images that are blitted are around 70px by 140px.

Do you guys see anything that could be done better?