Speeding Ticket

I’m getting prosecuted for a speeding violation :angry:

I was driving along the motorway (the limit is 70pmh) at around that speed, perhaps a bit more, say 80. I came to some roadworks so the limit changed to 50. I started to slow down, and realised that not too far ahead there was a police car above the motorway on one of those bridges with it’s window down.

Apparently I was doing 68 in a 50 zone so now iv been issued a ticket and probably a few points on my licence.

GODDAMN IT! :fight:

Hope that the cop doesn’t show up in court; That is how I got out of mine

Good Luck

Doubt it will go to court unless you want to contest it and take to a magistrates. Which is a long winded way, with a chance of getting out of it.

Which motorway where u on? Your lucky in a way, as a lot of motorway road works are now going down to 40, well the ones on the M1 recently have been.

speed tickets suck :frowning: I got one 3 days after passing my test. luckily they’ve never caught me since.

Just pay it and go to defensive driving school;)

Welcome to the club. I currently have 11 points on my license.

I was caught six months ago doing 73 in a 50 zone on a motorway (roadworks too). My fine was £60 and 3 points so you’ll be looking at that as well.

Yeah I looked up the fines on the internet and for my violation it should be between £50 and £100 plus 3 points. It varies from case to case tho I think.

Nah it’s not going to court. In the UK they only take you to court if you’re caught driving over 96mph (you can also be fined over £350 and banned for a year or more!).

I was on the M55.

Digi - 11? How many can you have before they ban you? Anyone know how many points you get with a UK licence?

You get 6 points until you’ve been driving more than 2? years, and then you get 12. So 11 is definitely not good :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry Butters

I did not realize I was talking to a Brit

I still hope you get out of it though:}

Hehe oh boy tickets…

I just drove home for spring break this past weekend and I had my second run-in with the cops.

Last time I came home I got pulled over in a really small town going 40 in a 25mph zone. The guy checked me in the computer and saw I was squeaky clean and let me go with a warning.

This drive home I was about 2 hour away from where I go to school and I get pulled over for going 42 in 30mph zone. I was pretty ticked because the 40mph sign was like 10 feet away from me. So I got a ticket for $57 bail. Luckily it was a warning ticket with no points on my record.

Thirty minutes later I’m still abit paranoid about getting pulled over but I decide to pass a Uhaul truck that was going pretty slow. So to pass him on the two lane road I crank it up to 80 (limit was 60) and pass. Another guy also passed at the same speed. A cop drives by at that exact moment and we both get pulled over. No ticket this time again luckily but wow I didn’t feel like driving after that one. My girlfriend drove the last half of the drive (4 hours or so) and she was getting up to 90 with no problems lol.

Wow lol…

You know you can get a ticket for driving too slow… :cross-eye