Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow is becoming a bad game

Hey guys,
I’ve been playing SCPT with gh0st for some time, and we are very good. I’ve worked really really hard on having high points and a good rank. Yeah I’m a Stat whore. But thats beside the point, in the past couple of days, I’ve been having problems, and ever since my mom made me leave a game, I’ve losed around 400 points.

400 points is a lot of points, really a lot, and now, everygame I go into, I loose like 25 points, for no reason.

This game is really fun, but I think UBISOFT really messed this game up. They are a lot of glitches and bugs, so if you were thinking about buying this game, think twice :wink:

Diablo II, R63, here I come!
