Spread the word! - Nintendo Revolution smash site is live!

Hi, i found this site! I’m defo donating at the revolution is gonna be crap!
Site: http://www.freewebs.com/nintendosmashed. its gonna be well cool

wtf?:smiley: :lol:

that doesn’t sound at all retarded

Yeah it’s totaly retarded, they collect donations and smash up stuff, in this case a Revolution.

Theres loads of them, for iPod, XBox 360 etc… Stupid waste of time and money, anyone dumb enough to donate money needs their head tested.

Oh and they video them smashing up whatever it is and post in on a site:


I watched the iPod one, it really pissed me off, they go and waste a good iPod by smashing it apart with a mallet, and have the nerve to go back into the Apple Store and say ‘Oh yeah, this iPod is a piece of crap, it just fell out of my pocket and busted all over the floor’