Have you had yours already?
I had mine last week, but out of 7 days, I slept in a total of 3 days.
mine was last week too. All i did was sit around the house. It was the worst week of my life.
My mom is sick again, she might have to have surgery. If she needs surgery she won’t be able to finish her current school and if she can’t finish that then she can’t go to college in the fall.
My grandmother and my sister both found a lump in their breast and they both need to go into surgery. My sister’s is definately malignant, and they think that my grandmother’s is.
My 12 year old niece tried to kill herself.
Well, that was my spring break… how about yours?
—Don’t say your sorry. I’m ok with everything. Everything should turn out fine.
…wont say sorry.
mine was boring too. i mostly sat around, cause thats what it’s for. on friday i went to UofT (university of toronto) for a tour and stuff with my friends, it was boring, cause I’m not going there… haha. and I think that’s where they shot xmen, cause it looked so farmiliar.
I won’t say I’m sorry Jubba, but I will say good luck with all that stuff
What’s spring break? I’ve heard of it but I don’t think we have it in the UK, anyone?
- Soul :s:
is it easter?
Viper, I think I’ve been there!! Beautiful place! Is it like loads of buildings in a circle surrounding a park? With loads of black squirrels in? :beam: I love it there
- Soul :s:
you dont know what march / spring break is? i feel sorry for you.
yea… i guess you could say that. its really old and stuff. and out of all those buildings, i probably saw 1 clasroom, makes you think where everyone is running to. hah.
I wish I still had spring break. I am outta school for the first time ever this year and did I ever miss it
Jubba - you are very positive, I really commend you for that. My best wishes to you and your family dude.
******* My spring (easter) break is on 04/16 - 04/22. Whole month to wait and only one week.
ok, I know this will sound stupid, but could you fix my language? (I’ll kill my english teacher =) )
lynx, huh?
nothing, forget about it
…if you insist.
Soul, maybe it’s the equivalent of our half term? :tie:
Spring break?
Isn’t that when students go on a massive drinking binge and there’s much flashing of breasts and people commiting lewd acts in public?
If so, it’s the equivalent of our Friday nights…
and Saturday nights.
You <i>are</i> in Scotland.
Isn’t that when students go on a massive drinking binge and there’s much flashing of breasts and people commiting lewd acts in public?
And do the women flash their breasts as well?[SIZE=1]Sorry, no offence intended it was just too good to miss…[/SIZE]
mine is this week but i’m working 30 hours so it’s all the same to me. and i have to do research this week too. so much for spring break.