
finally im getting somewhere on my home work. i have a huge project due monday. and i have a bunch of other stuf to do. there just is not enough time to do what i want to do:hair:

break ur leg sunday night…
it always works for me:)

lol… im not that crazy. and plus we loose points when where out of school for a day. i hate it.:esmirk: :battery:

you lose points?
that sucks!
ive missed 22 days this year
and im **** pround of it

i know some one who has missed 39 days. im susprised he is still allowed in.:bad:

ur only allowed 14 days a year at my school:whistle:
I dunno how im still there
Im only failing one class tho… so its all good

your lucky then:sigh: lol

lol yeah

haaha spring break here!!!

no fair… its not spring