I know for a fact that I have adware, or spyware. I have firefox as my default browser. I always use it. I guess i was on some sort of “unsafe” site and I was downloading a new firmware for my PSP. Then it asked to install an extension, in order to download it. So I’m like meh, i have a fire-wall. So i do, then my active virus scanner goes wacko. It says spyware nuetralized over and over again, for about 15 times. Then i am like ok, I will just delete that extension for firefox then. So I did. Now… here’s a list of things that happen
-I can’t open the task manager to try and end the process…
-I can go to run->msconfig->startup-> and then uncheck everything… but everytime i go to make sure that everything was unchecked, IE is always checked off. And it says IE 3 times on the list, at first all were checked, then i unchecked them all, now one will always stay there.
-Everytime I conenct to the internet (yes I have dial up) an ad will pop-up in IE.
-In the system tray, my network connections icon is now gone, so i have to go the Network Connections folder in order to disconnect everytime now.
That’s all I’ve realized in the past 10 minutes, I need more suggestions to figure out what’s wrong, oh ya, I’m in the process of doing a system-wide scan for viruses, and it does pick up PUP’s as well. I am using McAfee in order to scan
Any suggestions on what to do, because I know it will turn up with nothing…