Sql / speed tradeoff & bandwidth

I’ve been with Midphase hosting for a little more than a year now. While, I’ve been mostly satisfied with their service, I’m looking to use someone else for my next project. The reason why is because they offer you 1 sql DB, 1 subdomain, etc. . . whereas other hosts (eleven2, dreamhost, etc) offer you unlimited DB’s for the same price. Midphase’s answer to this is that hosts who offer many or unlimited databases suffer very slow servers (especially on ss). Is this true? Also, I’m not sure if the packages that offer around 200-300 Gb bandwidth will be enough. This website is for a local festival association. So I don’t really see it getting tons of traffic. I’m just not really sure what it will need.

I was thinking about going with Eleven2, but I’ve found very few user reviews online. And those I have found weren’t that encouraging. Any advice? :h: Thanks guys!