Sreaming music when page opens?

I can start n stop music (loading music), i can also play music as soon as the page loads but i can’t stop it.Can anyone tell me how i can do that ? i want music to play as soon as page loads but users have option to start n stop it. If i put music on time line with start n stop btns. the whole animation on that page will stop along with the music when user will press stop . How can i stream music as well as be able to start n stop it ?
I hope i’ve explained my question clearly.

how to i make use of the scripts above if i require the song to play ‘automatically’ on start of the movie? As in after the preloader and into the scene?

I’ve typed in ‘true’ for isStreaming part but it does not stream.


Used the code said on top of this thread but sound didnt start and so put in some ‘onload’ code before the main code for the sound to autostart onload.

my_sound.onLoad = function(success){

(and then the code as mentioned on top above, pointing to the required mp3 file)

But i still do not understand why this code ‘my_sound.onLoad = function(success)’ actually made it work.

Good for me i guess.