Stage alignment problem

Lets say i have a swf named photos.swf. In photos.swf I have a script that loads a movieclip and aligns it to the upper right hand corner of the stage:

Stage.align = “LT”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function() {
centered._x = Stage.width/2
centered._y = Stage.height/2
centered._width = Stage.width * .5

photoimg_mc._x = Stage.width - photoimg_mc._width - 20;;
photoimg_mc._y = 50;

sizeListener = new Object();
sizeListener.onResize = function(){
photoimg_mc._x = Stage.width - photoimg_mc._width - 20;
photoimg_mc._y = 50;

This script works with the following setting:

Stage.align = “LT”;

But if I change the setting to:

Stage.align = “BL”;

it no longer resizes correctly.

I need the stage alignment to be anchored on the bottom left because this swf is loaded from another swf, lets call it parentflash.swf which has the logo and navigation in the lower left corner, and they need to be visible all the time.

How can I make it work so when parentflash.swf loads photos.swf, both the logo in the left hand corner is aligned to the bottom of the screen, and the moviecli named photoimg_mc inside photos.swf, is loaded in the upper right hand corner, and if the user resizes their window, both elements adjust accordingly so they are in the same positions (lower left and upper right hand corners)?