hello, i am trying to centre my flash site i have used the following code:
[COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#0000BB]stage[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700].[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]scaleMode [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]= [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]StageScaleMode[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700].[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]NO_BORDER[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700];
[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]stage[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700].[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]align [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]= [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]StageAlign[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700].[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000BB]TOP;
[COLOR=Black]my first scene which is a intro clip, containing motion tweens of text,
works fine but when i click enter and get to my site as soon as i move
the resizer on my browser my stage jumps far off the page and i can
only see the bottom of it.
does anyone have any ideas that may help?