Standards and Good Practices

Hey first time poster here, just wanted to start things off by saying you guys have a fantastic website here, really well made as far as Web Design goes.

So last Friday I got laid off from my job as a QA Tester, and i’ve decided to take this opportunity to put more effort into flash development. I figured it would be a good way for me to make money and develop my programming skills.

My area of Flash focus is making games. So what I want to know is…what are the typical standards and general practices the pros use when making their Flash games?

What general structure do you guys use for your setup?
How many frames per second?
What stage dimensions do you use?
How much do you use OOP?
Do you use multiple scenes?
I read that many people make a layer labeled “a” for actionscipt code.
What are the expected industry standards for how things are done?

Are there any tips you can give me as a new developer?

If someone could give me a fla file or point me in the right direction i would be eternally grateful.

I know this is a lot of questions, and many of them are quite broad at that, plus there may not be any definite answers, but any help will do.

P.S. I am using Flash 8 currently, but I just ordered a copy of CS4