ok… so i have a static text that says “QUIT TO MENU”…
i set it to “no anti-alias” for a crisp look…
i put it inside a movieclip so i can dynamically call it from the library…
i exported the movieclip for actionscript and gave it a class name of “QuitToMenuButton”…
…so i call it from the library using:
var qmb:MovieClip = new QuitToMenuButton();
qmb.x = 400;
qmb.y = 300;
the movieclip gets called to the stage but the text is blurry… why is this??
opening the movieclip from the library, the text looks crisp and good… but on runtime, its blurry… why is this?!?
a solution to this is making the text dynamic… but i dont want to set the text to dynamic because this causes problems which i dont want to elaborate here anymore…
basically, i just want to know why flash makes the static text blurry, and how can i fix this…