Statistics 1.0 and Download 1.0

As this site has tutorials for PHP I thought this area was suitable for posting Open Source PHP scripts. My apologies if you’re wanting pure Flash! These can however be used with Flash.

Using: PHP

Since this site is also for PHP, I thought I’d bring my other Open Source scripts to everyone’s attention. I already posted about Statistics2Flash 1.0.

Statistics 1.0

This is the main script that Statistics2Flash requires as Statistics2Flash is an extension of it that allows the statistics to show in Flash. The statistics this script will manage are:
[]Users currently online
]Users visited today
[]Users visited yesterday
]Total visitor count
[/list]These are all unique counts. You have the option of displaying the statistics as text or with images. You can also choose to be notified by email when your total visitor count reaches a “milestone” (ex: you hit 50000).



Download 1.0

It prevents the leeching of your files, hides the actual location of your files, and logs all downloads as well as leech and hack attempts. You can also use it to show the number of times a file has been downloaded as well as its size (in a user friendly format). Nice and secure!



The next script I have in the works is a Web Comic management script. It has a dynamic navigation system (ie. it only shows the “Earliest”, “Previous”, “Archive”, “Next”, “Latest” if they’re needed) and an archive list. It includes a secure admin area for adding, editing, and deleting your web comics with the ability to have multiple admin accounts.

One thing I’m undecided on, is whether I should bother storing “Author” and “Date Submitted”. Most people tend to include those within the web comic image. Your thoughts on whether I should include it?

Following this I’ll be recoding my Web Poll script, then a “Time Since” script, and maybe a quick Contact Form.

I hope someone finds these useful! :smiley:

[size=1]Oh, and after all that I can finally get into finishing some of my Flash games & animations![/size]