How do I just have a counter that shows how many people have checked the page… All I want is the numbers, preferably text. I’ve seen it on tons of pages that has the text of whos checked the page, how can I do this?
This has been asked before!
my first post in this thread shows you how:
I don’t want it in Flash tho… Also, I would like another file that shows how many times a file has been downloaded. In text also…
that doesn’t need to be done in Flash. It still shows you how to do it.
File downloads are a bit trickier. There are tutorials out there…
Care to try and find them for me?
*Originally posted by sdrawkcaB *
**Care to try and find them for me? **
Uhhh, how 'bout using to find them yourself.
You don’t think I’ve tried that? I’ve tried that for so long and I can’t find anything.
You didn’t mention that in your request, and with the way it was worded, it comes across as less than courteous.
Now, back to the problem at hand. Counting file downloads isn’t much different, you just set up the download link to go to an intermediate script page that increments the count, then redirects to the desired file. If you want to get fancy, you can use the same script for multiple files by passing some form of fileID parameter in the URL link to the count script.
huh… google must not like you because I found about 10 pages worth of hits… I guess you just gotta know what you’re looking for…
Is the script that does all this PHP? I only know HTML…
look buddy, everyone’s sh!tting all over and rightly so, but I feel bad for you so if you have php/mysql support, then I’ll write you a file to use w/ phpMyAdmin that will create a small table to keep track of loads, etc… and also a .php file that will display the hitcount. You will of course need to send me the deed to your soul via express mail as payment.
then learn PHP. its really not that hard. and yes, the code that does it all is PHP and you need PHP because HTML can’t do anything like saving values to a text file or anything like that…
Hmm. I’m not gonna learn PHP just for this. Since you’re so good, can’t you just attatch a .txt file with the proper instructions? I’ll give you a dollar.
He didn’t get good at PHP by having others do things for him, and the “dollar” comment is just plain insulting.
And I will officially never help you again. Thanks for your time. Enjoy your stay.
How the hell is that insulting? A dollar for doing that is pretty good.
You have much to learn grasshopper, I suggest you start with a class in manners.
Actually, for programming a fully functional hit counter/visitor tracker system I could probably get anywhere from $50-250. Probably more depending on the features required. I don’t have a lot of skill but I have enough of it to be insulted when someone underestimates me.
Why don’t you just do it yourself for free. Then sell it someone like yourself for a dollar.