Still helpless!

Hi gurus outthere please shed some light on me:
I made this little site in flash, everything seems to work qhen I preview it. Now when i upload it it does not work. The movie itself when i open in the server works but in the content some parts work some not.Please review in the site wich is
user is :critters
pass is :suzanalu

And it’s driving me nuts!it’s been 20 hours and i cant figure it out.
Help help

You shouldn’t keep posting the same thread, sometimes it just takes patience to get an answer

Thanks for the advice. It;s desperation that makes one impatiente.Sorry

I understand but if you keep duplicating posts and responding to other posts with your question people will probably just get irritated and not want to help you. Like I said in your other thread, your best bet is probably just to post your fla’s and let someone look at them and see if they can figure out what is going on. There are many very knowledgable helpful people on this board =)

Can you be a little more descriptive and let us know what exactly isn’t working. Also can you upload your .fla files?

I tried to upload the files but it’s bigger that is allowed.
can you provide a address that i can upload to.

post them to your server and we can download them (just post the link)
you can zip them first to reduce the size

the swf file is working. the contact button does not load the movie contact.swf.
But if i open the crritters.swf file it’s all working and as soon i put that on the content.html one button does not work.