Hey out there;
I still need someone who’s good with sound issues to give this a shot. Problem… as posted earlier:
I have 10 movieclips attached to a root timeline. Each of the mcs have a forward and back button allowing them to jump back and forth through the clips (after returning to the root timeline).
I have 3 (Event)songs that make up a soundtrack for the movie. Track 1 is triggered in say, mc 1, track 2, in say mc5 when track 1 runs out.
problem - when you use the back button regardless of whether or not you’re listening to track 1, 2 or 3, track 1 WILL ALWAYS always be triggered as if it were god.
Note- when i had everything on just the root timeline this never happened.
One of our members gave the excellent suggestion to put a stopallsounds on the back buttons. This I did, but no go, track 1 just won’t shut up.
Someone out there must know why. Please help.
I don’t want to dump the back button but if that’;s what I’ll have to do