Hey dude , sorry about last night, i was too tied to even look at flash 
Ok first i should say that i have found that you could us functions to greatly simplify this task, though i havent got my head around functions yet, check this link out if you want
I made another fla, well its basically a edited version of the other the one you have checked out. iam guessing you only want one type of fade out right? make your life easier.
What i have done is I have added a variable on each button called “intro” numbered based on there order eg… button 1 would be _root.intro=1.
this variable will be used in the curtain MC .
Now in the curtain Mc i have added some frame labels.
Ok, now basically i made three section, each with its own frame label, ( open , open 2, open 3) , Which all have the same code previously used on the old fla.
frame 1
if (loadContent == 1) {
loadMovie(“content1.swf”, “_root.content”);
if (loadContent == 2) {
loadMovie(“content2.swf”, “_root.content”);
if (loadContent == 3) {
loadMovie(“content3.swf”, “_root.content”);
frame 2
if (_root.contentLoaded == true) {
frame 3
i also added 3 other labels (depends on how many buttons you use, these determain your intro sections) these labels are called Aone , Atwo, Athree, these are so i could make a IF statement which i can point to these labels while still using the same code from before.
if (_root.intro == 1) {
if (_root.intro == 2) {
if (_root.intro == 3) {
Ok what this does is when a button is selected it tell the variable to change to that number,say we select button 1, so now intro=1, now it runs to curtain Mc to animate the doors close, then it reaches the above code and ask flash , what is the variable intro? we made it 1 by clicking on button 1, now it says go to and play the frame label Aone, now at Aone frame label we have the three actions that was used on the old fla, which uses another if statment to see which movie to load, then checks if the external movie is loaded , then tells it to play a frame label “open”.
Hope this helps. look at the fla closely, its pretty simple and pretty much like the older fla , just which some new labels and actions.
Good luck :beam: