I never get hangovers when I drink or anything, but I herd Gatoraid (how ever you spell it…) works wonders because you can get dehydrated from drinking. Headaches are from your blood pressure rising way to much (think from your blood vessels or something getting out of whack), which you can ease with water or Gatoraid. Eating bread too, or crackers should ease the tummy. Lol, if you can, do ‘it’, takes your mind of your suffering :beam: Tylenol rules nods Don’t drink anything with caffine or something sugery. Eating greasy food will just plan mess ya up. Lol, best thing I herd, Yakasoba, from many many friends.
yes, “the next day”, being the hangover day, im really thirsty. i dont get hangovers, but i do get really thirsty. im a little out-of-sorts in the morning when i wake up, but after that im fine
I drink lots of beers every weekend. hangover is a rare thing for me, but my somach always regret the drinking:P my digesting sistem get all messed up, but we agree that is a fair trade.
My liver is the only part of me that got really angry, and left me a while ago:-\
Go to your local Organic Vitamin store, buy a bottle of b-12, and set it next to your bed. Take one before you go out (if you can remember), or before you pass out (again, if you can remember), and you will have virtually no hangover, regardless of how you treat your body the night before (you still have to drink water to rehydrate yourself). That is why Gatorade works (b-12)…
In Canada we have sure fire cure for the hang over. When u wake up start drinking again ( if you ever went to sleep that is). If you don’t sober up you can’t get hung over:beam:
Lol. That works too, but you gotta stop drinking at some point… right? If I didn’t have responsibilities and immune to liver and kidney damage, I would be perfect drunk 24/7. laughs
Rofl. Yea, but you gotta sacrafice a small hamster, or it won’t work. Rats and other small rodents are also usable, but it doesn’t have the same effect as a hamster. :beam:
I’ll just test it on humans. There are alot of possible test subjects out here. I’ll just lock someone in a room for 72 hours with no booze and if he doesn’t die then that will prove your little idea that you can stop drinking:beam: