Stop buttons not appearing

Hey all,

I’m working on an external mp3 jukebox for an Interactive Design course and I’ve almost got it. However, none of my ‘stop’ buttons appear to stop the song. I have 3 songs, so I have 3 sets of ‘play’ buttons and should have 3 sets of ‘stop’ buttons. The way I have it set up is the ‘stop’ button is onion-skinned behind the ‘play’ buttons, so once the user presses a play button, the stop button should appear…but, it does not.

I’m stumped because the play buttons appear to work. It’s just the stop buttons do not appear after the play button is selected. Here is what I have in the first frame of the actions layer.

stop ();

play_btn1.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();
    song1 = new Sound ();
    gotoAndStop ("Eagles");
    song1.loadSound ("Desperado.mp3",true);

stop_btn_1.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();

play_btn2.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();
    song2 = new Sound ();
    song2.loadSound ("Rocket Man.mp3",true);

Any help, direction, or advice would really be appreciated to get me back on track.

stop_btn_2.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();

play_btn3.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();
    song3 = new Sound ();
    gotoAndStop ("CSN");
    song3.loadSound ("Southern Cross.mp3",true);

stop_btn_3.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();

Other layers I have:

Buttons - play1, stop1, play2, stop2, play3, stop3 (labeled as such)
AlbumCover - Eagles, Elton John, Crosby Stills & Nash (labeled)
Labels - Play, Stop

Any help, direction, or tips anybody can give me would surely be appreciated.

Thanks guys!