STOP buttons appear now but do nothing. Help!

I posted a question a day or two ago about my STOP buttons not appearing after the user selects a song by pressing the PLAY button. I have 3 song choices and the play buttons are vertically aligned. STOP buttons are directly behind the PLAY buttons, so after a song is selected, the stop button appears.

Ok, I got them to appear now but they do not stop the song. In addition, I’m using a layer named “Album Covers” that display the song’s album cover and I’m trying to use that in the code with as play and stop actions.

What am I missing? I’m going to try to attach my FLA, but if it doesn’t load, here is the gist of my code.

Code for PLAY button - each play_btn has their own (identical) code but will post the first play button code)


STOP button code (same concept that each stop button has identical code except for Album Cover reference)


Code in first frame of Actions layer:


play_btn1.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();
    song1 = new Sound ();
    gotoAndPlay ("Eagles");
    song1.loadSound ("Desperado.mp3",true);

play_btn2.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();
    song2 = new Sound ();
    gotoAndPlay ("Elton John");
    song2.loadSound ("Rocket Man.mp3",true);

play_btn3.onRelease = function ()
    stopAllSounds ();
    song3 = new Sound ();
    gotoAndPlay ("CSN");
    song3.loadSound ("Southern Cross.mp3",true);

Code in 2nd frame of Actions layer:

stop_btn1.onRelease = function () {

stop_btn2.onRelease = function () {

stop_btn3.onRelease = function () {