Stop! Footer Thief!

Aislin stole my footer!!!

[He talked about it, but I never thought he’d actually go through
with it! :stunned:]


I think I’ll decide when the time is right to admit things.

why would he do that?

Pardon? What? I can’t hear you over the photocopier.

[edit by lostinbeta]Image Removed[/edit]
[edit by lostinbeta]Image Removed[/edit]
[edit by lostinbeta]Image Removed[/edit]

[edit by lostinbeta]Save Unfluxs’ bandwidth, he needs it with how great his site is :P[/edit]

edit: I was just about to do that myself, actually. You beat me to it.

senocular - you missed all the other threads about it. just a
joke. :slight_smile:


…I was trying to be funny… but it failed

*Originally posted by senocular *
**why would he do that? **

LMAO!!! Freaken Sen!! I choked on my food after noticing kirupa’s nav bar on your footer!! lol hahahha :beam:

this looks familiar …

oooo ya i saw the same post in another thread.


laugh’s sadly at sen, and then coughs up the popcorn he tried to eat like a vaccuum cleaner would.

hilarious! HAHA

too funny man. I guess I better start making a new one now…


yeah, i died at the navbar too, but it was gona when I posted about my popcorn eating experience.

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**LMAO!!! Freaken Sen!! I choked on my food after noticing kirupa’s nav bar on your footer!! lol hahahha :beam: **

i saw that and i said holy crap… that is definatly over the size limit. and that was hilarous. i wonder why it didnt work.:smirk:

oh yeah, and I can’t wait for my bandwidth bill either. haha! =)


ooph. good point.

edit: beat you to this one, shane! WOOT!

Hey Aislin, it’s not funny stealing unflux’s footer!!

HAHAHA, I finished editing the post and then saw you said that…haha.

turtles really can fly, mommy?

yes dear.

Fine, fine. I’ll be sure to undo the bad things… I do. … …yes.

thanks for the backup guys! see? crime doesn’t pay, now does it. Aislin?

[grins evilly as he plots his next move :evil:]
