Stop scrolling


i have a text which scrolls automatically. the problem is that i want to use onRollOver and onRollOut to stop/start scroll.

myVars = new LoadVars();
myVars.onLoad = function() {
    txt_prvi.htmlText = this.txt_prvi;
    txt_prvi.html = true;
    sirina_ = txt_prvi.textHeight;
    // sirina texta ti je onda
    visina_ = txt_prvi.textHeight;
    duplicateMovieClip("txt_prvi", "txt_drugi", this.getNextHighestDepth());
        txt_drugi.html = true;
    txt_drugi.htmlText = txt_prvi.htmlText;
    // postavis drugi text pored prvog i pomeris za jedno 5 px
    txt_drugi._y = txt_prvi._y+visina_+50;
    txt_drugi._x = txt_prvi._x;
    // skrolujes na onEnterFrame
    onEnterFrame = function () {
        txt_prvi._y -= 0.5;
        txt_drugi._y -= 0.5;
        if ((txt_prvi._y+sirina_)<0) {
            // ako je tekst ispao iz neke granice na primer 0 
            txt_prvi._y = txt_drugi._y-1;
            txt_drugi._y = txt_prvi._y+visina_+50;

but it ignores when i try to make function which would change scroll amount to zero. i must stop scrolling in code above, right?

thank you