Stop XML

Hi there.

I’m a beginner when it comes to using XML.
Now I’m working on a Website which contains a XML Carousel Gallery, with the coding below.

Now this all happens on the homepage. I would like to stop the xml on other frames though. Is there any coding I can use on my Buttons, to stop the XML working while going to another frame?

This is the page I’m talking about:

Would be great if someone could help a beginner!!! :)))
Thanks guys!

var folder:String = “thumbnails/”; // a folder for thumbnail files + an XML file
var total:Number;
var radiusX:Number =180;
var radiusY:Number = 10;
var centerX:Number = 378;
var centerY:Number = 340;
var speed:Number = 0.003;
tn_group_mc._visible = false;
fm_label.text = “”; fm_url.text = “”;

var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;

xml.onLoad = function()
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
total = nodes.length;

for( var i=0; i < total; i++)
	var t = tn_group_mc.duplicateMovieClip("tn"+i, i);
	t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/total);
	t.onEnterFrame = mover;
	t.tn_mc.inner.loadMovie( folder + nodes*.attributes.filename );
	t.tn_reflection_mc.inner.loadMovie( folder + nodes*.attributes.filename );
	t.fm_label = nodes*.attributes.label;
	t.fm_url = nodes*.attributes.url;

	t.fm_button.onRollOver = function()
		fm_label.text =  "Title: " + this._parent.fm_label;
		fm_url.text = "URL: " + this._parent.fm_url;
	t.fm_button.onRollOut = function()
		fm_label.text = "";
		fm_url.text = "";
	t.fm_button.onRelease = function()

xml.load( folder + “flashmo_thumbnails.xml”);

function mover()
this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s = this._y /(centerY+radiusY);
this._xscale = this._yscale = s*100;
this.angle += this._parent.speed;
this.swapDepths(Math.round(this._xscale) + 100);
this.onMouseMove = function()
speed = (this._xmouse-centerX) * 0.0001;