Strange issue sending variables to php

I have an strange problem, and maybe you can help me to figure it out.
I did a simple script to send (and load) variables to php for a mail contact form.
It is working perfectly in my server, but it is for a client site. Once I sent him the files everything worked great except the contact form. I thought there was a problem with php on that server, an issue with the mail client, or something similar. However, the mail message is sent, but none of the variables (name, subject…) is received. I only get a blank message, with no sender, or subject… So, the problem must be sending the variables, but I have tried every method loadVars and sendAndLoad, loadVariables, and LoadVariablesNum unsuccesfully. **The strange issue is, every script works on my server, but the exact same scripts dont work for my clients one, None of them.

**Here are the scripts, simple

$sendTo = "";
$subject = "Contact: ".$_POST["vsubject"];
$headers = "From: ".$_POST["vname"]." <".$_POST["vmail"].">";
$message = $_POST["vname"]." <".$_POST["vmail"]."> want to contact you.
Subject: ".$_POST["vsubject"]."
Message: ".$_POST["vmessage"];
mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);

vars = new loadVars();
vars.vname = name.text;
vars.vmail = mail.text;
vars.vsubject = subject.text;
vars.vmessage = message.text;

Do you know what can be happening? As I said it is working fine on my server, and also a friends one, but doesnt where I need to.


Do you know the details of which version of PHP they’re running on their server?

No, But Ill ask now! :smiley:

hey the PHP on the current server is version 4.0.6
mmm, Im working on php 5, but for this script is there anything not working because of the version?