Strange Movieclip Issue

Im not sure if this is a noted issue issue or not but Ive got some strange behaviour going on and I could do with some guidance on a way around it.

My game consists of a grid of movieclips, created dynamically. within these movieclips is another movieclip of an explosion.

The explosion movieclip stops at the first frame (blank frame), and the animation starts at from lable “on”, once it gets to the end, it jumps to “off” - the first frame.

Now, if I gotoAndPlay(“on”); it works, if I gotoAndStop(“off”); it works.

However if I gotoAndPlay(“on”) before the animation has ended (ie: when I want the animation to restart), it carries on regardless and then loops for a few frames before stopping.

If I call stop() before the gotoAndPlay call its the same, but if I call gotoAndStop(“off”) right before I call gotoAndPlay(“on”) the animation will loop constantly and no more actionscript on that movie clip will be executed (until another call to gotoAndStop(“off”); )

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

: D