String Variables, struggling with them

I have a menu that has a tab that slides down when you rollover the link and when you click on it the tab stays in the lowered position. I had used “null” to eliminate the onRollOut code when the onRelease was used so the tab wouldnt slide back up after the user rolled off the link. That was giving me issues for other reasons so I can’t use it.

So I tried using a string to make this work, but now when you onRelease the onRollOut still activates. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong below, this was a first attempt for me to do this kind of thing and I am lost…please, any help would be appreciated!! Thanks

var currentSection:String = "About";

LinkBar.About.onRollOver = function() 
	if( currentSection = "About" )
	{, 1, {_y:20, ease:Back.easeOut});
LinkBar.About.onRollOut = function() 
	if( currentSection = "About" )
	{, 1, {_y:-45, ease:Back.easeOut});
LinkBar.About.onRelease = function() 
	if( currentSection = "About" )
		currentSection = "About";, 1, {_y:20, ease:Back.easeOut});, 1, {_y:-45, ease:Back.easeOut});, 1, {_y:-45, ease:Back.easeOut});
		//LinkBar.About.onRollOut = null;, 1, {tint:0x55A7ED});, 1, {removeTint:true});, 1, {removeTint:true});