Stroke line, thats weird

Im trying to make a simple box with a white stroke. But the stroke comes not right line but its little circulated

I have checkt the round rectangle radios, and its on 0.

I whant the line to be right and without this rounded end(s).

Is this pussible in flash mx 2004 ?

Thank you


instead of using a stroke, just draw a square with no stroke with a grey fill, and then a white square with no stroke drawn over the grey square. the thick lines just have curved ends.

Hmm good idea

thank you

:thumb: no problem. I find it helpful to use the coordinates and the height and width values in the properties panel to make sure everything is being done exact. like if you just draw a random square you can say x:0 y:0 height:40 width:40, then make another square and say x:10 y:10 height:20 width:20 to get a nice 20x20 box with a border of 10, or you could just hit ctrl+k for the align and do them in a movie clip and center them. ::shrug::

Good thinking m8 :thumb: