i’ve just read the tell target tutorial and it seems fairly simple. But i’m trying to get it to work in flash mx, is there any way to do it? I’ve found the tell target button in flash mx but the action script it produces seems different from the one that appears on flash 5. Is that suppose to happen? thx for your help
MX Panel:
“TellTarget had been Deprecated since Flash 5; use of dot notation and the with action is recommended.”
You just need the dot notation:
so does that mean tell target is no use anymore?
Well, one of those Deprecated commands was ifFrameLoaded, if u tried to use it, you will notice that it won’t work with’in Flash MX, same for other commands and tellTarget, Macromedia are trying to go into an Object-Oriented Approach for Actionscript! from my side, i could c that “gotoAndPlay” command is more easier to use and much more powerful!
ah i see…so if i was using this tutorial
to try and work the animation, what would i be entering in the action box instead? would it just be seomehtin like
or somethin? i know that seems a bit wrong but i’m not too great at this heh
cool i get it thx =)
No problem